A property at 1734 Belmont St. was sold on Oct. 19 by Gaspar I Quijada Colmenero and Edith Garcia for $149,710. The buyers were Jose Francisco Rodriguez Martinez, Josefina Paramo Morales and Violeta Rodriguez.
There are 58 cosmetology manicurist/esthetician licenses held by individuals and organizations from Dallas County that are set to expire during September, according to data from the DSHS Professional Licensing and Certification Unit.
There are 272 cosmetology manicurist licenses held by individuals and organizations from Dallas County that are set to expire during September, according to data from the DSHS Professional Licensing and Certification Unit.
There are 17 residential wireman licenses held by individuals from Dallas County that are set to expire during September, according to data from the DSHS Professional Licensing and Certification Unit.
Tiana James's road to the L.A. fashion scene is one less taken: Edmond, Oklahoma, to Albuquerque, New Mexico, through the Texas Panhandle and finally to Dallas-Fort Worth.
There are 24 cosmetology operator instructor licenses held by individuals from Dallas County that are set to expire during September, according to data from the DSHS Professional Licensing and Certification Unit.
There are 122 cosmetology esthetician licenses held by individuals and organizations from Dallas County that are set to expire during September, according to data from the DSHS Professional Licensing and Certification Unit.