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The state's unemployment rate rose to 8.3% in September, with Dallas County sitting at 8.2%, according to data from the Texas Labor Market Information.
The civilian labor force was 1,405,628 in September in Dallas County, a yearly change down by 29,710. There are nearly 40,000 less employed individuals now than in September 2019 in the county, the data states.
Dallas currently has 114,745 unemployed and 1,290,993 employed in the county.
"Despite the increase in the overall unemployment rate, Texas had a net gain in jobs for September,” Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) Chairman Bryan Daniel said in a news release. “TWC continues to implement tools to spur additional job growth as a critical part of our efforts to grow the state’s economy."
The state added 40,700 jobs in September, with 23,600 of those jobs in the hospitality sector, 5,400 in government and 4,000 in professional and business services, according to the news release.
“Local Workforce Solutions offices around the state can help job seekers with resumes, job preparation and determining their career path," TWC Commissioner Representing Labor Julian Alvarez said in the news release.